Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Hey everyone,

I have finally taken the steps to rejoin and am on the way to a fitter and healthier me again. 
my little baby is now 10 mths old and at the moment is full of bronchilitis which is no good, but the extra sleeping gives me time to do such things as BLOG!

Since last year, my partner is now working away 4 weeks at a time and back for 1 week so i fly solo with 3 children, trying to undertake major house renovations and am also now studying 2 days a week at the AIF for my master trainers certificate which will be fantastic to know by the end of this round i will nearly be a qualified Personal Trainer.

I am excited but nervous at the same time as I don't know how I will fit it all in, but my aim is to schedule everything so I can succeed.
A x

Thursday, September 8, 2011

woo hoo Day 1 has arrived!

Im so excited - not only to start this journey again but to think I have already made some wonderful friends from this area and have organised a weekly exercise session.  I am so committed to this journey and what makes me feel even more motivated is i look back on my body from last year to the start now and although I am huge again I can at least see their is not as much cellulite on the thighs and hey... I am only 9 weeks from having a baby and not 8 mths like last time.  So like last time here is the excrutiating pain of posting my before photo.





Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 1 of sign up!

I did it!

I signed up for round 3-  as promised!.

I have not had any junk food at all since 12am - as promised 

I have kept myself positive all morning even though I have a child ready for Royal childrens due to sickness and a 5 week old that wont attach properly when feeding - as promised.

I will succeed - as I promised myself xox

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Juggling 2 under 1 and starting round 3 - OMG

Still trying to get my head around how the bloody hell i am going to juggle a newborn and 18 mth old and kicking my bad eating habits again.  Especially chocolate - so addicted - Cmon round 3 open up so i can start pre season tasks and get my mind into gear.  to top it off I need to re commence studying for my master trainers otherwise i will be the fattest personal trainer you have ever seen!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

BUBS arrived

Well - What a fast 9 mths!  I am now the proud mother of 3 daughters.  I gave birth to Mahli June on 7th August.  She is an absolute gem but she definately gave me huge sugar cravings which i am struggling to separate with!!  I am just about 4 weeks since my caesar so am still taking it easy but as of next week I am starting to go for a walk around the block with Mahli whilst the eldest is at school. 

I have made sure both prams are set up for both children (i have a 1 yr old as well), so there will be no excuses come the next round of 12wbt.  My goal for this round is to stick to the nutrition side completely.  I am hoping to lose the extra 8 kilo before the season kicks off so i will be back down to the same weight before getting pregnant.  By that stage I will be able to be practically back into full swing.  Overall goal up till xmas is to lose 20 kilos. And yes this is definately achievable!! 

Stay tuned and stay with me peeps.  Its going to be a rollercoaster trying to exercise with 2 under 1 now!  And so glad to be back on here!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

YAY Final Weigh in

8.8 kilo gone or 13 kilo since i started pre season.  What an amazing journey.  Hard the past 4 weeks as couldn't lose, as had to up kj's but feel amazing.  Well actually bloody tired really as gone back to work for a few days a week trying to fight the morning sickness.

Look forward to doing the next round but with weight gain but hopefully only slightly!!

Starting a Job

Cannot believe I am starting a job tomorrow.  Its only 2 days a week but gives us that little bit of extra money to finish things around the house and make it more livable before bubs arrives.  I'm excited in a way but also nervous as I am fighting the morning sickness so fingers crossed it eases off on the 2 days I need it too!

Apart from that I am still training really well, have eased off a bit in the past 4 weeks so its been really hard to sit back and watch everyone on accelerator day, and super Saturday sessions but I have never given up.  Ive also found that if i feel sick in the morning then if I go to the gym and do a workout it takes my mind off it until i get back to the car! LOL

Can't believe that i finally get to meet a heap of you this weekend at the party.  Am so looking forward to the training session and party.  See you all there! xoxo